17-28 July 2013 Earl Arts Centre
“Si, it is Manuel. Pleased if you buy uno, dos, tres tickets to see Falwty Towers,
me need money to go home Barcelona, me no like working here no more.”
“Muchas gracias”
Yes, they’re back! Sorry about that… Basil, Sybil, Polly, Manuel and a host of long-suffering and much abused guests in one of the best-loved British TV comedies ever written are returning by popular demand!
Following last year’s SOLD OUT season, the Fawlty Towers team return this July to present three more classic episodes from the television series. Laughs are guaranteed as the crew romp through The Kipper and the Corpse, Wedding Party and Gourmet Night.
Manic, arrogant, sycophantic and sadistic, Basil Fawlty is a much put-upon, hard-working Torquay hotel manager whose life is plagued by dead guests, hotel inspectors and riff-raff. Of course his biggest headache is his nagging wife Sybil. Together they run their hotel with help from the unflappable Polly, and Manuel, the trainee waiter from Barcelona.
Encore Theatre Company has developed a well-earned reputation for specialising in comedy. Previous productions have included stage adaptations of Are You Being Served? and the sold out seasons of ‘Allo ‘Allo and Fawlty Towers. This is one show where you’ll definitely need to BOOK EARLY.
Director | Jamie Hillard |
Basil | Ross Marsden |
Sybil | Patsy Marshall |
Manuel | Andy Allison |
Polly | Mikaela Campbell |
The Major | Jeff Hockley |
Written by John Cleese & Connie Booth
Presented by arrangement with ORiGiN™ THEATRICAL www.origintheatrical.com.au