Nunsense A-Men!
“Need a good laugh? Then how about a change of habit? Boy, oh boy!!”
11-13 June 2009 Earl Arts Centre
Australian Premiere Season presented by Encore Theatre Company
Nunsense A-Men! is basically the original Nunsense show with most female characters being portrayed by male musical comedy performers. Think of it as Mrs Doubtfire meets Sister Act. Done totally seriously, this show is, to quote a critic, “no drag.”
The switcheroo musical comedy by Dan Goggin is based on the original Nunsense show as a whole new layer of comedy surfaces with lines like “The guys in the old neighbourhood still can’t believe I became a nun!”
Join the “Sisters” from Hoboken as they merrily sing and dance their way to raising the money to bury 52 of their sisters, who all died from an accidental case of food poisoning brought about by Sister Julia’s lousy cooking.
Nunsense A-Men! premiered in New York in 1998, receiving rave reviews and standing ovations. To quote the New York Times: “A change of habit, boy oh, boy!”
Director & Choreographer | Di Summers |
Musical Director | Andrew Lamb |
Mother Superior | Jo Seen |
Sister Hubert | Col Francis |
Sister Robert Anne | Cayden Richards |
Sister Mary Amnesia | Nic Tolputt |
Sister Mary Leo | Matthew Garwood |
by Dan Goggin
Presented by arrangement with Dominie P/L